Welcome to my world..


As I sit here trying to begin this… its hard. There are so many things running through my mind. But for starters I am heading to Kenya, Africa for 5 months. Leaving January 13th, 2013.  I could not be more excited, nervous, anxious, worried every emotion you can think of I have it. I think right now I have to get through goodbye. I HATE  goodbyes. Everything about goodbye stinks. Especially to people I love. Like, my mother. I am 100% a momma’s girl. So, leaving her for 5 months does not seem fair. Also, Ryan. If you don’t really know me that my boyfriend/soulmate. He has been such an amazing support for me since day 1. & has not left my side one bit since the Lord opened up this opportunity. As a matter of fact he has been 100% supportive. Pushing me to keep going when I thought I could go no more. He has helped raise money just as much (if not more) than I have. So needless to say… goodbye is… well 23 days away. I can not even begin to think about saying goodbye in the airport without tearing up. Ok, so enough about goodbye. Starting to cry now. But I am sure your wondering how all of this came to be. In October I applied to do overseas missions for the summer. Not even a week later I was slapped in the face with an opportunity to go to Africa. I was SO shocked. I immediately began praying then called my mom & talked to Ryan. Everyone involved was so supportive. But once they learned it was a very lengthly trip & very expensive… there was some shock and hesitation. So then the process began. I was winding up my fall semester doing fundraisers, support letters, speaking at churches, and prayerfully waiting for the Lord to provide. Not to mention somehow squezzing finals in there. But I sit now with only $250 left to go and packing a suitcase. Whew. I am still not sure I am ready for this step. But I do know with all my heart this is 100% what the Lord has for me. Sure I wanted to say no and stay in college with my boyfriend. Stay in my comfort zone. But the Lord does not call us to be comfortable or content. So much of me wanted to stay here in the states to finish college. But obviously the Lord had other plans! So I ask now that you all pray for me. Pray for Africa. Pray for each person I will come in contact with. Pray for travels. Pray for my family. Pray for Ryan. Pray for… ok, just pray for my life and everyone involved. Love you all. Thanks SO MUCH for your prayers and support. Until next time my friends.